Tuesday, 22 September 2015



Subject:          Denny Town Centre Regeneration – update

Date                7 September 2015

1.0       Introduction  
1.1         The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the status of the Denny Town Centre Regeneration Project

2.0       Phase 1
2.1       Work is underway on the first phase of the new town centre.  Clark Contracts Ltd are the Phase 1 main contractor and has confirmed that works are proceeding to programme (see photo below)

Denny Phase 1 – works to date (photo taken 22 Sept 2015)
The works carried out to date include:

            Phase 1 Building
·      Drainage diversion works complete
·      Building footprint excavations to formation level complete
·      Foundations being prepared including steel reinforcement and concrete blinding layer
·         Concrete foundation pads and strip foundation setting out complete
·         Foundations and retaining wall erection completed
·         Steel Frame upper floor slab erection commenced and will continue through October 2015

Davies Row Car Park
·      Existing tarmac surfacing removed from site
·      Existing retaining walls reduced to grounds
·      Excavations to reduced levels ongoing
·      Davies Row car park drainage ongoing

3.0       Phase 2 Development
3.1       The Phase 2 site was remarketed by SGM, commercial agents.  A report was submitted to the Council’s Executive on the 9 June on the results of the marketing exercise.  One offer was received, from County Properties (Northern) Limited, a privately owned investment and development company with a large, mixed portfolio throughout the UK. 

3.2       The Executive agreed that the Council should approach County Properties requesting that they review their submission for the scheme to better fit the requirements of the brief.  Discussions with County Properties are continuing, seeking these revisions and will be presented back to the Executive once finalised by the developer.

4.0       Phase 3 Development  
4.1     A report on the conclusions from the recent ‘Charrette’ consultation was presented by  Icecream Architecture to the community on the 21 August in the Denny Community Education Centre.  A Denny Charrette Fund of £10,000 has been set up and to date 7 applications have been received conveying project ideas.  These ideas are currently with Icecream Architecture who will assess the submissions and make recommendations to the community panel for funding approval.  Further details on this process are available from Jacquie McArthur at the Denny Project Office.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

From: Hunter Erin <Erin.Hunter@falckgroup.eu>
Date: 08 September 2015 at 16:53
Subject: Earlsburn North Wind Farm

Work on the wind farm is progressing well and deliveries of the turbine components are due to start next week. 

For two weeks from Monday 14th September there will be three to five loads of turbine blades and nacelles travelling from Grangemouth to Denny each day by motorway and then on the B818 up to the wind farm site.  There will be no deliveries at the weekend. 

After the initial two weeks until 5th November the tower sections will be delivered.  These will come in loads of up to three a day but will not be delivered every day.  We will know more about exact delivery days nearer the time and will update you as soon as we have the information.

All loads will be accompanied by a police escort and the transport haulier will be liaising closely with Police Scotland to minimise any disruption.  Loads will be travelling very early in the morning from Grangemouth and we will be avoiding peak times as far as possible.