Wednesday, 25 October 2017

From: Lockhart, David 
Sent: 25 October 2017 22:00
Subject: Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Transformation 

Good evening Andrew,

As the Local Senior Officer for the Falkirk and West Lothian area, I’d like to reassure you and members of the Denny Community that there are no plans to close Denny Fire Station under the transformation of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS).

The Service is operating against a backdrop of both significantly changing risks and the greatest financial challenges seen in decades and must transform to continue to protect our communities from new and emerging risks. We also cannot ignore the financial imperative. We cannot sustain the current frontline delivery beyond this financial year. Staying as we are is not an option.

A webpage on the Service’s website has been dedicated to Service Transformation and provides more detail on the initial ‘conversation’ the Service is looking to have with communities across Scotland and no decisions have been made as yet. Further details with regards public consultation on our Service Transformaiton plans will be made available towards the end of this year.

Regards, David.

David Lockhart | Area Manager | Local Senior Officer for Falkirk and West Lothian | Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. 

Tuesday, 17 October 2017


To: Leader of the Council
Portfolio Holder (Economic Development)
Local Elected Members (Denny & Banknock area)
Denny & Dunipace Community Council
Chief Executive
Director of Development Services

From: Douglas Duff, Head of Planning & Economic Development

Subject: Denny Town Centre Regeneration – update

Date  1 Sept 2017

1.0 Introduction
1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the status of the Denny Town Centre Regeneration Project.

2.0 Phase 1

2.1 Work is complete on the first stage of works in phase 1 of the new town centre:

Denny Phase 1 Retail Units and Library
The first stage of the Phase 1 works has progressed well with the tenants in place and trading including Lloyds Pharmacy, Café Anton , Boots, the Library, Cupcake Corner and Greggs. Subject to conclusion of the lease agreement, it is expected that a new tenant trading as a Hairstylist will take possession of Unit 9 next door to Cupcake Corner at the end of August/early September. All 4 vacant units including the one occupied by Clark Contracts are being marketed by our agents to attract additional interest.
The second stage of works is well underway with significant progress being made including the completion of the whole of the Davies Row carpark.  An issue with the quality of some of the surfacing materials delivered has necessitated their replacement. Delivery of the replacement material is expected in September and a revised programme to completion will be available once the final delivery date is confirmed.

Phase 1 Public Art Proposals

2.2 All 5 artists have engaged with the community and are now working mainly off site on the fabrication of their schemes based on the final designs presented at a public presentation in Denny Library on the 15 May 2017.

1. The Treasure Trail (sculptural interventions) – Joseph Ingleby

Project involves 2 time capsules of similar shape in different materials and referencing the industry in the area.  Off-site at the main access points into the town – Dunipace and Falkirk Road/Denny High.  Fabrication currently underway with installation to coincide with completion of the town square works.  The mixed material pieces include the following:-

· Battleship – monopoly connection (Monopoly board was printed in Denny) oak plinth/cast iron
· Bridge – referencing the connection between Denny and Dunipace
· Lamp/lantern - (referencing the heritage lamp mentioned at the Heritage Group meetings)
· Discovery oak – long ship with oak plinth
· Bricken & broch – referencing the Iron Age stone structure found locally.
2. The Railings (sculptural and interactive) – David Annand

Design aims to explore the function and interaction – making a connection between the formal need for railings and playful adaptations in the design (currently fish – referencing the River Carron).  David’s designs are fabricated by his long term partner Callum McPherson.  Currently working with a structural engineer to ensure safety specification standards are met.  Thereafter fabrication and installation to coincide with town square works.

3. The Staircase (a visual feature) – Bespoke Atelier/James Winnett

Located on the stairs to the north of the site, the artist will work directly with the elevation of the stairs to host artistic elements that surprise and intrigue users and reflect the local heritage of the town.  As previously communicated, our artist has faced significant problems progressing works due to the recent wet weather.  As previously communicated, our artist has faced significant problems progressing works due to the recent wet weather and drying out the granite sufficiently to produce a quality finish sandblasting.  The artist is currently looking at different options and is in discussion with our architects and industry experts to resolve. An update will be provided as soon as discussions with our architects and industry experts are concluded.

4. The Lazy Corner – Blair Cunningham

Denny born artist is creating a timeline around the line of the River Carron using a mixture of locally sourced stone.  The project idea grew out of discussions with the community as an area that people could gather and chat, not a play facility but as an opportunity to house a playful element within the landscaping/stone work at the floor level of this feature which explores imaginative responses generated by local children and young people for features they would like to see in the town centre. The artist has confirmed fabrication and installation will coincide with the town square works.

5. The Picture House (way-finding and light projection) – James Buchanan

The Way-Finding project consists of 3 posts – hosting a projector, in reference to the heritage of cinema in the town, and way-finding directing to key locations in and around the town.  To follow up on the last update, there will now be two projections – one in the town square and the other projecting onto the gable wall, this is in response to Cllr Garners request for a mural at this site.  The necessary infrastructure is in place and the installation of the piece will coincide with the completion of the town square works.

3.  Phase 2

3.1 The marketing of Phase 2 of the town centre project will commence following the completion of Phase 1.  In the meantime works will be undertaken to tidy the Phase 2 site.

4.0 Denny WiFi Project

4.1 The introduction of Wi-Fi into the new town centre has been a key consideration for the Design Team since early consultation discussion and feedback raised this as an issue.  Connectivity has become an essential utility for many often influencing where people and families choose to spend their time and through the introduction of the Denny WiFi project we aim to build on the regeneration project and support the on-going sustainability of the town.

Our consultant is working with us to install the infrastructure to power the WiFi equipment in library and wider town centre locations.  The next stage of the project is to introduce this to the local businesses, elected members and other stakeholders so a meeting will be scheduled within the next few weeks to launch this exciting opportunity for the town.

5.0 Christmas 2017

5.1 Plans are in place to re-locate the Christmas tree from Denny Parish Church to the new town square location on conclusion of the works..

We are working closely with Falkirk Towns Ltd to create a great Christmas switch-on event and would be grateful to hear from any community groups who would like to get involved. Contact Jacquie McArthur on 01324 590973 to discuss.