Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:34:17 +0100
Subject: Denny Town Centre, Stirling Street
Morning Andrew
Apologies for the delay in responding to you I was off on annual leave.
Whilst there is no requirement to have shutters, many owner/occupiers adopt them to address possible vandalism and security problems and to lower their insurance premiums. I understand that local retailers will be meeting in the near future and I will forward your email and suggest this as a discussion topic.
You will be pleased to know that we are currently looking at floral enhancements for the town centre and are looking at locations, consents and maintenance
issues - I will of course keep you informed of progress on this.
Kind regards
Jacqueline McArthur
Economic Development Officer
Falkirk Council
The Falkirk Stadium
Suite 2A, 4 Stadium Way
Tel: 01324 590973