Sunday, 22 May 2016

Denny Town Centre Phase 1 Public Art Proposals

In line with the Public Art Presentation made at Denny Primary School on 12 March 2015, the Council is now about to embark on the commissioning of artists for the 5 public art projects which transpired from the programme of creativity and consultation which was undertaken by ICA. These commissions will be developed and tendered competitively as five separate artist briefs. The overall management of this process will be undertaken by Falkirk Council with support from a shortleeting and interview panel of community representatives which will be established. Deadline for submissions is 27 May, with shortleeting and interviews scheduled for June. The 5 commissions are as follows:

Project Timetable

April – May 2016: advertise for artists
June 2016: shortleeting/interviews
July 2016: appointment/contract commences
July/August 2016: research, design and outline design proposals
September 2016: community engagement
October 2016: finalise design
November 2016 – March 2017: installation

Monday, 9 May 2016


From:         Douglas Duff, Head of Economic Development & Environmental Services

Subject:     Denny Town Centre Regeneration – update

Date         29th April 2016

1.0    Introduction  
1.1    The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the status of the Denny Town Centre Regeneration Project

2.0     Phase 1
2.1     Work is underway on the first phase of the new town centre.  Clark Contracts Ltd is the Phase 1 main contractor and has confirmed that works are proceeding to programme (see photos below)

Internal Library

The works carried out to date include:

    Phase 1
·    Commenced natural stone cladding
·    Scaffold internally and externally ongoing
·    Commenced first floor partitions
·    Commenced first floor ventilation
·    Commenced second stage carpark works

         Phase 1 Marketing
2.2        The Council has appointed marketing agents to promote and invite interest in the vacant units within the Phase 1 development.  The marketing brief is currently being prepared and will be issued during May this year.  Three units are already committed, with agreements in place with Lloyds Pharmacy, Boots and Café Anton.  Unfortunately a commitment was not secured with the TSB Bank and they have decided to close their Denny branch.   The 7 remaining retail units will be marketed to attract commercial interest.

    Phase 1 Public Art Proposals
2.3    In line with the Public Art Presentation made at Denny Primary School on 12 March 2015, the Council is now about to embark on the commissioning of artists for the 5 public art projects which transpired from the programme of creativity and consultation which was undertaken by ICA.   These commissions will be developed and tendered competitively as five separate artist briefs.  The overall management of this process will be undertaken by Falkirk Council with support from a shortleeting and interview panel of community representatives which will be established.  Deadline for submissions is 27 May, with shortleeting and interviews scheduled for June.  The 5 commissions are as follows:


1.  Way-Finding (The Picture House)
2.   Interventions (Sculptural Treasure Trail)

3.   Railing (Sculptural/Interactive)

4.   Staircase (A Visual Feature)

5.   A Place to Play (The Lazy Corner)

Project Timetable
April – May 2016: advertise for artists
June 2016: shortleeting/interviews
July 2016: appointment/contract commences
July/August 2016: research, design and outline design proposals
September 2016: community engagement
October 2016: finalise design
November 2016 – March 2017: installation

Public Wi-fi
2.4       The Council in collaboration with BT hope to deliver a public wi-fi scheme as part of the phase 1 plans. 

3.0       Phase 2 Development
3.1    As agreed by the Council’s Executive on the 23 February 2016, the Council was to formalise an agreement with County properties who would, in turn, formalise an agreement with B & M for the occupation of the retail unit at the site.  County have recently been advised by B & M that they wish to reconsider their position in relation to the Denny project as part of a national review of their acquisition strategy.  The Council are liaising further with County/B & M to establish if their revised requirements can be accommodated in Denny.
4.0       Phase 3 Development  
4.1       Following the community presentation on the conclusions from the Denny Charrette consultation, printed copies of the final report are available at key public buildings in the town. Printed copies are available on request to 01324 590973.  The Denny Charrette Fund, via Foundation Scotland is currently supporting a number of local projects within the town centre.  Foundation Scotland is accepting applications for grants and constituted groups and organisations working to benefit those living in the Denny & District area.  Application and guidance material is available here: -