Sunday, 22 May 2016

Denny Town Centre Phase 1 Public Art Proposals

In line with the Public Art Presentation made at Denny Primary School on 12 March 2015, the Council is now about to embark on the commissioning of artists for the 5 public art projects which transpired from the programme of creativity and consultation which was undertaken by ICA. These commissions will be developed and tendered competitively as five separate artist briefs. The overall management of this process will be undertaken by Falkirk Council with support from a shortleeting and interview panel of community representatives which will be established. Deadline for submissions is 27 May, with shortleeting and interviews scheduled for June. The 5 commissions are as follows:

Project Timetable

April – May 2016: advertise for artists
June 2016: shortleeting/interviews
July 2016: appointment/contract commences
July/August 2016: research, design and outline design proposals
September 2016: community engagement
October 2016: finalise design
November 2016 – March 2017: installation