Thursday, 8 January 2015

From: Mandy Paterson (333)
Sent: ‎08/‎01/‎2015 11:10
Subject: Robbery:  Arneil Brothers, Northfield road, Denny [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]


You may already be aware, but if not, just to make sure you were sighted on a reported robbery at the above store last night.

On this occasion, there is no suggestion of any weapons being involved.  From the circumstances, there is no obvious link to the robbery last year, however as always with this type of crime, CID will lead the investigation and all potential lines of enquiry will be fully covered.

I will ensure there are high visibility patrols to provide reassurance within the community, with additional resources being brought in from outwith the division to support.  Door-to-door and road checks will be carried out to assist with the investigation. As always, I know you are all very active in your communities, and if you hear any information about anyone who may have witnessed the incident or be responsible, then please let us know.

PI Kellet is off with a virus this week so local deployment of staff is being overseen by PS Ewan Graham, your Community Sergeant. He will also be in contact with the shopowner, and our interventions department will be attending the premises to ensure security advice is given.

I appreciate you will be concerned, but just to reassure, this is the priority incident for the area command today and will be staffed accordingly from across the division. At the moment, reported robberies for the Denny area are at the same level as this time last year. As always, I can be contacted on 01324 678804 if you wish to discuss anything further.


Mandy Paterson
Falkirk Area Commander
Forth Valley Divison