Thursday, 5 March 2015

From: joyce, mike
Sent: 03 March 2015 15:44
Subject: Capital playpark- project 2014-15 Denny Junction playpark

Dear Members

Just a courtesy e-mail update on the above capital funded play park project .

Ground works will  commence this week for the provision of a new play area layout and new equipment for the above site .
The project will be complete in 2 /3 weeks if the weather remains kind. The age spectrum catered for will be circa 6 months to 12 years indicative and will include
a well stocked range of contrasting new equipment items predominantly of Robinia wood (a class one hardwood that does not rot and is difficult to set on fire) I am sure
this will be well received by the local nursery school kids and children in the neighbourhood area .

Mike Joyce
Estates Development Officer
Operational Services

* Earl's Road Depot | Earl's Road | Grangemouth | FK3 8XD
( 01324 504605 (ext 4605)