January 2016
1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the status of the Denny Town Centre Regeneration Project
2.0 Phase 1
2.1 Work is underway on the first phase of the new town centre. Clark Contracts Ltd are the Phase 1 main contractor and has confirmed that works are proceeding to programme (see photo below)
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Denny Phase 1 – works to date |
The works carried out to date include:
Phase 1
All sub-structure foundation completed
Retaining wall completed
Steelwork to building completed
Concrete floor slabs and concrete stairs being laid
Electric power now connected to main
Blockwork both external and internal ongoing
Sub structure drainage ongoing
Ground Floor cast
Scaffold ongoing
Roofwork ongoing
Car park commenced taken to formation level
Car park attenuation/drainage commenced
Commenced Kerbing to carpark
2.2 Phase 1 Public Art Proposals
2.2.1 Following on from extensive research and community consultation, 5 public art installations are proposed for various sites within the first phase of the regeneration project. Work is now underway to commission artists for the 5 projects outlined through the Public Art Presentation made earlier in 2015 and summarised below. Further details including Artists’ Brief and project timetable to follow.
1. Way-Finding (The Picture House)
2. Interventions (Sculptural Treasure Trail)
3. Railing (Sculptural/Interactive)
4. Staircase (A Visual Feature)
5. A Place to Play (The Lazy Corner)
3.0 Phase 2 Development
3.1 The Phase 2 site was remarketed by SGM, commercial agents. A report was submitted to the Council’s Executive on the 9 June on the results of the marketing exercise. One offer was received, from County Properties (Northern) Limited, a privately owned investment and development company with a large, mixed portfolio throughout the UK.
3.2 The Executive agreed that the Council should approach County Properties requesting that they review their submission for the scheme to better fit the requirements of the brief. Discussions with County Properties are continuing, seeking these revisions and, while a report was initially targeted for the January Executive, it will now be presented to the Executive in February.
4.0 Phase 3 Development
4.1 Following the community presentation on the conclusions from the Denny Charrette consultation, printed copies of the final report are available at key public buildings in the town. Printed copies are available on request to 01324 590973.
The Denny Charrette Fund via Foundation Scotland is currently supporting a number of local projects within the town centre. The local community should see evidence of these projects early in 2016. Grant holders wishing any support to take forward their projects should contact Jacquie McArthur on Jacquie.mcarthur@falkirk.gov.uk or on 01324 590973.