Tuesday, 22 September 2015



Subject:          Denny Town Centre Regeneration – update

Date                7 September 2015

1.0       Introduction  
1.1         The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the status of the Denny Town Centre Regeneration Project

2.0       Phase 1
2.1       Work is underway on the first phase of the new town centre.  Clark Contracts Ltd are the Phase 1 main contractor and has confirmed that works are proceeding to programme (see photo below)

Denny Phase 1 – works to date (photo taken 22 Sept 2015)
The works carried out to date include:

            Phase 1 Building
·      Drainage diversion works complete
·      Building footprint excavations to formation level complete
·      Foundations being prepared including steel reinforcement and concrete blinding layer
·         Concrete foundation pads and strip foundation setting out complete
·         Foundations and retaining wall erection completed
·         Steel Frame upper floor slab erection commenced and will continue through October 2015

Davies Row Car Park
·      Existing tarmac surfacing removed from site
·      Existing retaining walls reduced to grounds
·      Excavations to reduced levels ongoing
·      Davies Row car park drainage ongoing

3.0       Phase 2 Development
3.1       The Phase 2 site was remarketed by SGM, commercial agents.  A report was submitted to the Council’s Executive on the 9 June on the results of the marketing exercise.  One offer was received, from County Properties (Northern) Limited, a privately owned investment and development company with a large, mixed portfolio throughout the UK. 

3.2       The Executive agreed that the Council should approach County Properties requesting that they review their submission for the scheme to better fit the requirements of the brief.  Discussions with County Properties are continuing, seeking these revisions and will be presented back to the Executive once finalised by the developer.

4.0       Phase 3 Development  
4.1     A report on the conclusions from the recent ‘Charrette’ consultation was presented by  Icecream Architecture to the community on the 21 August in the Denny Community Education Centre.  A Denny Charrette Fund of £10,000 has been set up and to date 7 applications have been received conveying project ideas.  These ideas are currently with Icecream Architecture who will assess the submissions and make recommendations to the community panel for funding approval.  Further details on this process are available from Jacquie McArthur at the Denny Project Office.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

From: Hunter Erin <Erin.Hunter@falckgroup.eu>
Date: 08 September 2015 at 16:53
Subject: Earlsburn North Wind Farm

Work on the wind farm is progressing well and deliveries of the turbine components are due to start next week. 

For two weeks from Monday 14th September there will be three to five loads of turbine blades and nacelles travelling from Grangemouth to Denny each day by motorway and then on the B818 up to the wind farm site.  There will be no deliveries at the weekend. 

After the initial two weeks until 5th November the tower sections will be delivered.  These will come in loads of up to three a day but will not be delivered every day.  We will know more about exact delivery days nearer the time and will update you as soon as we have the information.

All loads will be accompanied by a police escort and the transport haulier will be liaising closely with Police Scotland to minimise any disruption.  Loads will be travelling very early in the morning from Grangemouth and we will be avoiding peak times as far as possible.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

From: alex@falkirkdelivers.com
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 08:44:50 +0000
Subject: RE: Falkirk Through the Lens Photography Competition

Hi Andrew,

This exhibition is specifically Falkirk to coincide with the start of work on the Townscape Heritage Initiative in the town.
My colleague, Mary-Jane is looking into a similar (perhaps old & new) photo exhibition for Denny town centre.
These types of event are always popular with local people when it’s their town specifically.

We will, of course, keep you posted.


Alex. Fleming
BID Manager
Falkirk Delivers

01324 611293

Friday, 24 April 2015

From: Frame, Colin
Sent: 24 April 2015 14:38
Subject: RE: Denny town centre


Clark Contracts have just recently been appointed and are going through a mobilisation process which includes agreeing site perimeter, seeking any road diversion requirements including planning/roads consents and the preparation of there development programme. The preparatory work does take time however I understand the perimeter fencing will start to be erected next week. It is the Council’s intention to prepare a news bulletin that will incorporate all detail with regard to the site development, disturbance issues and contractor programme, once available, and this will be issued to all Denny households. The information will also be displayed on the Council’s web site, local display screens and within the Regeneration office which, as you know, is attended on a Tuesday morning.

Please do not hesitate to give me a call if you require any further information

Kind Regards

Colin Frame MRICS
Principal Surveyor (Investment), Growth & Investment Unit
Development Services, Falkirk Council
The Falkirk Stadium, Suite 2A
4 Stadium Way, Falkirk
01324 590972
Mob: 07803 898140

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

From: jacquie.mcarthur@falkirk.gov.uk
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:34:17 +0100
Subject: Denny Town Centre, Stirling Street

Morning Andrew

Apologies for the delay in responding to you I was off on annual leave.

Whilst there is no requirement to have shutters, many owner/occupiers adopt them to address possible vandalism and security problems and to lower their insurance premiums.  I understand that local retailers will be meeting in the near future and I will forward your email and suggest this as a discussion topic.

You will be pleased to know that we are currently looking at floral enhancements for the town centre and are looking at locations, consents and maintenance
issues -  I will of course keep you informed of progress on this.

Kind regards

Jacqueline McArthur
Economic Development Officer
Falkirk Council
The Falkirk Stadium
Suite 2A, 4 Stadium Way
Tel:  01324 590973

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

From: Mandy Paterson (333) [mailto:Mandy.Paterson@scotland.pnn.police.uk]
Sent: 03 April 2015 19:25
Subject: Denny Robberies [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]


Just to keep you updated with local developments,

I am aware of the high community impact caused by the two robberies which occurred in Denny last October and January this year. The enquiry has been overseen by DI Graeme Hendry, and as a result of protracted enquiry by a dedicated team of officers, a 23 year old man was detained in Cumbernauld this morning in relation to both robberies. He has since been arrested and will be appearing at Falkirk Sheriff Court tomorrow (4.4.15) with a remand being sought given the nature of the incidents. We have prepared a media release so information should be out there for the community.

Thank you all for your continued support and community reassurance in the interim period.

John Kellet

Friday, 3 April 2015

Arrest following Denny robberies
Two robberies were reported in the Denny area in October 2014 and January 2015, both of these incidents having a high impact on the local community at the time and since.

As a result of protracted enquiry by a dedicated team led by DI Graeme Hendry, a 23 year old man was detained in the Cumbernauld area this morning and has now been arrested for both robberies. He is expected to appear at Falkirk Sheriff Court tomorrow (Saturday 4th April 2015).

Detective Inspector Graeme Hendry says "I am pleased to bring this enquiry to a positive conclusion and would like to thank the many members of the public who provided information which was invaluable in reaching this outcome."

Thursday, 5 March 2015

From: joyce, mike
Sent: 03 March 2015 15:44
Subject: Capital playpark- project 2014-15 Denny Junction playpark

Dear Members

Just a courtesy e-mail update on the above capital funded play park project .

Ground works will  commence this week for the provision of a new play area layout and new equipment for the above site .
The project will be complete in 2 /3 weeks if the weather remains kind. The age spectrum catered for will be circa 6 months to 12 years indicative and will include
a well stocked range of contrasting new equipment items predominantly of Robinia wood (a class one hardwood that does not rot and is difficult to set on fire) I am sure
this will be well received by the local nursery school kids and children in the neighbourhood area .

Mike Joyce
Estates Development Officer
Operational Services

* Earl's Road Depot | Earl's Road | Grangemouth | FK3 8XD
( 01324 504605 (ext 4605)

Thursday, 8 January 2015

From: Mandy Paterson (333)
Sent: ‎08/‎01/‎2015 11:10
Subject: Robbery:  Arneil Brothers, Northfield road, Denny [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]


You may already be aware, but if not, just to make sure you were sighted on a reported robbery at the above store last night.

On this occasion, there is no suggestion of any weapons being involved.  From the circumstances, there is no obvious link to the robbery last year, however as always with this type of crime, CID will lead the investigation and all potential lines of enquiry will be fully covered.

I will ensure there are high visibility patrols to provide reassurance within the community, with additional resources being brought in from outwith the division to support.  Door-to-door and road checks will be carried out to assist with the investigation. As always, I know you are all very active in your communities, and if you hear any information about anyone who may have witnessed the incident or be responsible, then please let us know.

PI Kellet is off with a virus this week so local deployment of staff is being overseen by PS Ewan Graham, your Community Sergeant. He will also be in contact with the shopowner, and our interventions department will be attending the premises to ensure security advice is given.

I appreciate you will be concerned, but just to reassure, this is the priority incident for the area command today and will be staffed accordingly from across the division. At the moment, reported robberies for the Denny area are at the same level as this time last year. As always, I can be contacted on 01324 678804 if you wish to discuss anything further.


Mandy Paterson
Falkirk Area Commander
Forth Valley Divison

Monday, 5 January 2015


To:        Leader of the Council
Portfolio Holder (Economic Development)
Local Elected Members (Denny & Banknock area)
Denny & Dunipace Community Council
Chief Executive
Director of Development Services

From:         Douglas Duff, Head of Economic Development & Environmental Services

Subject:     Denny Town Centre Regeneration – update

Date         5 January 2015

1.1    The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the status of the Denny Town Centre Regeneration Project including:

·    Phase 1 Development
·    Phase 2 Development
·    Phase 3 Development
·    War Memorial
·    Icecream Architecture (ICA) - Public Art
·    Communication

2.0     PHASE 1

Development Programme
2.1     The project has reached an important stage.  The Council has progressed the demolition of the existing Church Walk blocks with all blocks now removed and later this year will initiate the first phase of the new town centre. The tendering process for these works has commenced and a contractor is expected to be appointed in March 2015. An indicative timescale for the project’s delivery is set out below.  This will be subject to confirmation once the contractor has been appointed and may also be affected by factors outwith the control of the Council or contractor (e.g. utility issues).

Date    Description
January 2015    Site clean-up and completion of demolition contract
April 2015    Construction phase commences for Phase 1
September 2016     Relocate retailers, Library staff from Portacabins to Phase 1 development.  Relocate occupiers of the octagonal building.
July 2017    Completion of Phase 1 work including demolition of octagonal building and completion of town square.

Site Assembly
2.2    Legal agreements have been concluded with existing tenants resulting in the following commitments to units in Phase 1:

Unit 1 – Lloyds Pharmacy
Unit 4 - Cafe Anton
Unit 6 - Boots
Unit 7 - TSB Bank (to be formally concluded)
Unit 11 – Library

Interest from other parties for accommodation in Phase 1 has been expressed and will be progressed by the Council’s appointed retail agents once negotiations are concluded with the TSB and the result of the phase 2 marketing has been concluded.

Temporary Retail Village
2.3    The provision of temporary accommodation during the development period has been important in helping to retain existing businesses.  The Library, Café Anton, Lloyds Pharmacy and Boots have all settled into portacabins enabling them to sustain operations during the build phase.

RCGF Award
2.4     The Council recently submitted a Stage 2 RCGF Bid for £1.4m relating to the Phase 1 development.  The Scottish Government in liaison with Cosla approved this bid in November with the funding to be utilised in accordance with the bid submission during financial year 2015/16.  Following the Council’s approval in September, Phase 1 is therefore programmed to start early in April 2015.   The funds are an important contribution to the scheme as finalised costs for delivery of the project await the results of the tender submissions.

3.0       Phase 2 Development
3.1     SGM, commercial property agent, was appointed by the Council to market and attract commercial interest in the Phase 2 site. Following a closing date at the end of August, two interests were identified. Council officers and SGM are now working with both parties to finalise details for reporting to the Council’s Executive.

4.0       Phase 3 Development  
4.1       The Council plans to establish options for Phase 3 of the scheme including opportunities for community uses on the site to support consideration of the community aspirations for this site. The Council, assisted by Icecream Architecture (ICA), submitted a bid to Scottish Government for a ‘charrette’ initiative.  The bid was recently approved, allocating £16,200 to be match funded by the Council providing £32,400 funding to develop a charrette focusing on Denny Town Centre. 

4.2    The Denny charrette is a consultation process to engage the local community in considering how future community asset opportunities might be achieved and sustained as part of the development.  The charrette will review the capacity of existing community assets and inform proposals for the Phase 3 site, to be based on a robust business plan.  ICA will progress the charrette process and will contact community groups in the near future.  This is an excellent opportunity for all local community groups to work together to identify further community opportunities within the town centre. 

5.0     War Memorial
5.1    The Council temporarily re-sited the existing town centre war memorial plaques during the regeneration project's demolition and construction phase to the cemetery at Broompark Community Centre adjacent to the existing town centre.  The re-dedication ceremony and Armistice Day parade was held on Sunday 9 November.

5.2     The Council acknowledges the importance of a final location being determined for the        war memorial.  It is therefore intended that the Council will consult with all Denny households to consider and agree options for the location of the war memorial.  The results will inform the Council's decision on the permanent location for the war memorial.

6.0     Public Art
6.1     ICA were appointed by Falkirk Community Trust (with funding support from Creative Scotland) as lead artist in October 2013 to work with the community and the Council’s design team in the development of the proposed town square and to promote understanding of how public art can contribute to the project.  ICA has completed extensive consultation with the local community and this has identified the main elements of the public art strategy for the development.  Early in 2015, ICA will present their findings to the community, outlining proposed artist commissions for the development of artworks/interventions within the public realm space.

7.0       Communication
7.1    A newsletter for all households in Denny is being prepared providing an update of progress in the regeneration project, confirming both the outcome of the RCGF and charrette bids and providing further relevant information.  The newsletter will include an invitation to ICA’s presentation of the outcomes of their Public Arts Strategy and initiate the consultation on the location of the war memorial.